María Esther Téllez Acosta

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Phil. Fak. III – Erziehungswissenschaften
Institut für Schulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik
Franckeplatz 1, 06110 Halle (Saale)
Summary of Dissertation Work:
As novices, pre-service science teachers frequently seek out resources to support their planning. Increasingly these resources are web-based resources and in particular video. This is particularly true for elementary teachers, who feel weak in their science content expertise (Cone, 2009) and seek explanations of science concepts online to help them prepare lessons. While web-based objects and video can support teachers’ understandings of science content knowledge, do not automatically support their understanding of the transformation of that knowledge into lessons that engage students in the practice of science.
One key scientific practice identified by multiple national documents (e.g. KMK 2005; MEN, 2006; NRC, 2011) is scientific modeling (Schwartz, 2009). Learning how to teach by engaging students in these kinds of complex scientific practices is a significant challenge for preservice teachers (Davis, 2003). Given that: 1) learning to teach in ways that they can support scientific modeling is difficult, 2) many elementary preservice teachers lack of content preparation and comfort with science, and 3) preservice teachers increasingly use web resources to help them learn science content, I have identified a problem that is need of investigation. The structure of the investigation will include design-cycles focused on theorizing and developing supports for preservice teachers’ learning of scientific modeling practices interwoven with the development of their science content knowledge:
1. First we will develop a conjecture map for the project that articulates both the design and theoretical conjectures for the research (Sandoval, 2014). This will be followed by the initial design-cycle for the scaffolds, in the form of structured paper and pencil tasks guiding preservice teachers in transforming web resources into artifacts that can support planning of scientific modeling practices with students. The preliminary science content we have identified for the first round is the organization of matter and energy flow in organisms. These initial scaffolds will be prototyped in one site, a preservice teacher context in Germany.
2. Based on data collected in the first design cycle, we will begin a second design cycle which includes: revisiting/revising the conjecture map, redesigning the scaffolds from the first round, and designing a second round of scaffolds, these will target new science content area, information processing in organisms. The initial scaffolds will be prototyped in two contexts – the original German and a context in the US, while the newly developed scaffolds will only be used in the German context.
3. From the data on the second design cycle we will finalize the scaffolds from both rounds focused on The organization of matter and energy flow in organisms and information processing in organisms. I will also report on the entire research project, including both design cycle as my dissertation thesis.
Cone, N. (2009). Preservice elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about equitable science teaching: Does service learning make a difference? Journal of Elementary Science Education, 21(2), 25-34.
Davis, K. S. (2003). “Change is hard”: What science teachers are telling us about reform and teacher learning of innovative practices. Science Education, 87(1), 3–30.
National Research Council. (2011). Framework for the next generation science education standards. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from /bose/ Standards Framework Homepage.html.
Ministerio de Educación Nacional República de Colombia. (2006). Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguaje, Matemáticas, Ciencias y Ciudadanas. Recovered form:
Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK). (2005). Bildungsstandards im Fach Biologie für den Mittleren Schulabschluss . München: Wolters Kluwer.
Sandoval, W. (2014). Conjecture Mapping: An Approach to Systematic Educational Design Research, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23 (1), pp. 18-36, doi: 10.1080/10508406.2013.778204.
Schwarz, C. V., Reiser, B. J., Davis, E. A., Kenyon, L., Acher, A., Fortus, D., & Krajcik, J. S. (2009). Developing a learning progression for scientific modeling: Making scientific modeling accessible and meaningful for learners. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46 (6), 632-654.
Short CV
- 2013 Master in Teaching Chemistry at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)
- 2010 Bachelor in Teaching Chemistry at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia)
Professional Experience
- 2013-08 to 2017-08. Antonio Nariño University, Bogotá -Colombia. Faculty of basic sciences. Lecturer of general, inorganic and organic chemistry for veterinary, nursery and engineering academic programs. Biochemistry Lecturer for Medicine, Chemistry Lecturer for the bachelor in Chemistry teaching and environmental education.
- 2011- 01 to 2013- 07. Melanie Klein School. English language and science teacher for 3rd, 4th & 5th grade and English language teacher for 1st grade. Chemistry teacher for 6th and 8th grade.
- 2010-07 to 2010- 12. Superior School of Business Studies (Escuela Superior de Ciencias Empresariales) INTESEG. Bogotá- Colombia. Academic space teacher: - Elective I: Resources preservation and natural environment. - Elective II: Good use of natural resources.
- 2009- 01 to 2009- 12. Professional internship. National Lyceum Antonia Santos (I.E.D. Liceo Nacional Antonia Santos). Pedagogy and didactics project development. Providing support to the students and in some cases giving chemistry and biology classes to 11th and 9th grades respectively.
- 2009- 01 to 2010- 12. National pedagogic university (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional). Teacher´s assistance (Chemistry teaching program coordination).
Papers in scientific journals (peer reviewed)
- Tovar-Gálvez, Julio César; Téllez-Acosta, M. E., & Martínez, D. (2017). Educación ambiental ciudadana incluyente en ciudades multiculturales: caso de la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia. Adult Education and Development. [In print].
- Tellez-Acosta, María Esther; Becerra, Diego Fernando; Tovar-Gálvez, Julio César (2016). Virtual laboratories as strategy of evaluation in sciences from the spaces of distance formation, pp 1477-1484. Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED. Extraordinary Number. ISSN: 0121-3814, ISSN web: 2323-0126. VII International Congress on Training of Science Teachers.
- Tellez Acosta, María Esther. (2016). Technology Education in the XXI Century Society: The Role of Technology in XXI Century Society. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 5(1), pp. 165-175. ISSN 2174-8985. En:
- Téllez- Acosta, María Esther; Martínez Cárdenas, Diana. (2011). Didactic Analysis of Chemistry scholar books: A flexible and contextual curricular design proposal from CDC, pp 1772-1778. Tecné Episteme y Didaxis. Extraordinary Number. ISSN 0121-3814. V International Congress on Training of Science Teachers.
- Téllez- Acosta, María Esther; Martínez Cárdenas, Diana. (2011). Students’ Knowledge Complexion from implementation of Historic-epistemological and didactical plot about atomism-equivalentism concept, pp 421-428. Tecné Episteme y Didaxis. Extraordinary Number. ISSN 0121-3814. V International Congress on Training of Science Teachers.
- Bernal, Carolina; Castillo, Alejandra; Téllez- Acosta, María Esther; Rodríguez, Rodrigo. (2011). Heterogeneous catalysis applied on biodiesel obtaining. An alternative to potentiate creative thinking skills, pp 250- 254. Tecné Episteme y Didaxis. Extraordinary Number. ISSN 0121-3814. V International Congress on Training of Science Teachers.
- Téllez Acosta, M., Martínez, D., & Tovar-Gálvez, J. C. Formación en valores desde la educación en ciencias. Saarbrücken: Editorial Académica Española (Omniscriptum Publishing Group) [In print].
- Tellez-Acosta, María Esther, y López Catillo Jonatan. (2017). El diseño curricular en química. Clave para una educación contextualizada. In P. Membiela, N. Casado, M. I. Cebreiros, M. Vidal (Editor), La práctica Docente en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Ourense: Education Editora. Pp 285-289. ISBN 978-84-15524-36-6
- Téllez-Acosta, María Esther; Martínez Pachón, Diana; Tovar-Gálvez, Julio César (2016). Science education: challenge for training in values. Minute book CIMIE16, pp. 1-7. ISBN-16: 978-84-617-7659-7. En:
- Tellez-Acosta, María Esther, y Martínez Pachón, Diana. (2015). Qualification of the teaching-learning process of science: development of a model of multidimensional diagnosis of college students. In P. Membiela, N. Casado, M. I. Cebreiros (Editor), New Scenarios in University Teaching. Ourense: Education Editora. Pp 151-156. ISBN 978-84-15524-32-8.
- Martínez Pachón, Diana; Téllez-Acosta, María Esther. (2015). Field trips as a teaching strategy for strengthening environmental concept. Minute Book CIMIE15, pp. 1-9. ISBN-15: 978-84-617-6452-5. En: