Now newly published: Breidenstein, G.: Erziehungspraktiken in der Grundschule. Bad Heilbrunn (Verlag Julius Klinkhardt).
6305_Breidenstein_Erziehungspraktiken in der Grundschule.pdf
(612.9 KB) vom 07.01.2025
Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein
phone: 0345-5523902
room 212
Franckeplatz 1, Haus 31 (Hans-Ahrbeck-Haus)
06110 Halle
Sprechzeit im Semester: Di 14 - 15 Uhr u.n.V.
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Anfragen zu Prüfungsleistungen richten Sie bitte an das Sekretariat: kerstin.frenzel@paedagogik.uni-halle.de
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Phil. Fakultät III - Erziehungswissenschaften
Institut für Schulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik
Arbeitsbereich Grundschulpädagogik
06099 Halle
Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein
current publications

- 1985–93 University of Bielefeld, degree course: Social Sciences, History, and Arts for Secondary School Teaching
- 1998 Doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy II of the University of Potsdam. main focus: Ethnographic Studies about the Practice of gender-Differentiation in class at school
- 1999 Traineeship at the Bielefeld Seminar for the teaching profession in secondary schools
academic career
- 1993-1997 Research assistant in the DFG project “Processes of political socialization in 9-12 year old boys and girls”, University of Bielefeld
- 2000-2005 Managing research assistant at the Center for School Research and Teacher Training, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- 2005-2007 Deputy Professor of Primary School Education at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Jan. 2006 Habilitation at the Department of Educational Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- July 2006 Offer of a professorship for school education at the TU Braunschweig, acceptance of the offer
- Feb. 2008 Offer of a professorship for Primary School Education at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, acceptance of the offer
- since April 2008 Professor of Educational Science (focus on primary school education) in Halle
- March 2022 Research award from the DGfE
CV (short) in English
short cv_eng.pdf
(15 KB) vom 03.07.2012
research focus
social construction of gender in childhood, peer culture of children and young people, student perspectives on teaching, ethnographic classroom research, reform pedagogical practice in elementary school, parental choice of primary schools, methods and methodology of qualitative social research
scientific offices
- Member of the DFG Review Board 109 Educational Science since 4/2020
- Co-editor of the journal Grundschulforschung (Klinkhardt Verlag) since 3/2013 European
- Educational Research Association : Co Convenor in Network 27, Didactics/Learning and Teaching since 1/2016
- Director of the Institute for School Pedagogy and Primary School Didactics 04/2019 - 03/2021
- Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching at the Faculty of Humanities III - Educational Sciences at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 2014-2018
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for School and Educational Research
- Managing Director of the Center for School and Educational Research 2011 - 2013